Critical Path ManagementIdentifying the critical path is, well, critical. The critical path is the series of events or tasks that define the ultimate length of the project.
But knowing what the path is is just the first step. It is equally important to understand which tasks might join the critical path as they too will require management. Individual managers should strive to keep their tasks off of the critical path. Haskett Consulting International provides critical path management tools that provide project managers with the knowledge of the critical path as well as the probability and magnitude of pain associated with threats from near-critical path elements. |
Project Management benefits greatly from uncertainty assessment and decision analysis. Haskett Consulting International professionals have been there, done that in projects big and small. We helped to guide developments down the efficient path and we've helped to rescue projects that have gone awry. Let us help you to be the most efficient you can be. We can also be "third eye" advisers on projects, seeking out decision based gains and optimal pathways.