Decision Support and EvaluationEvery project benefits from sound decision support and intelligent, uncertainty literate evaluation. Some companies call it Development Planning, or DA support and have teams of specialists to carry out the task, while others simply appreciate it as the appropriate way to assess a project and position it for success.
We follow modern uncertainty management principles in all project and portfolio assessments. We Identify the potential as well as the threats to success. An area of specialization, we are Industry noted decision support and strategy specialists for multi-party groups and joint ventures. Sometimes you need a neutral third party to help he individual stakeholders prioritize, value, and reach the common solution. This is part of our Decision Support/Facilitation service. We use tools and techniques including Objective and Decision Hierarchies, Value of Control and Value of Information. We carry out stochastic assessments, often adapting models that you already have in-house, saving time, effort, money, and leading to easier implementation as it is a supercharging of work and expertise you already have in place. And what we do, we teach too. A vital aspect of any Haskett Consulting International engagement is knowledge transfer. After all, you are the ones who will have to carry out the project. You need to understand the decision support and options.